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Designed to Death by Christina Freeburn

Designed to Death - Christina Freeburn

Designed to Death

Christina Freeburn

Henery Press

September 6, 2013

4 stars

Designed to Death is book two in the Faith Hunter Scrap This mystery series. This was a page turner and I honestly did not figure out whodunit and was surprised by the end, always a treat for me. I’ve been known to know who did it within the first chapter…one time before the murder even happened. Kudos to Ms. Freeburn. I’m going to have to go back and read book 1, which I believe I do have.

Faith Hunter has returned home after a devastating incident involving her former husband while serving in the military. Her grandmothers own a row house, and they kept the third unit for Faith for when she returned. She was raised by her grandmothers after her parents were tragically killed, and they run the scrapbooking store, Scrap This, and have hired Faith on to manage it.

The excitement begins in the store when they host a book signing for a customer who was named a Life Artist Diva by a scrapping magazine. However, her cousin storms in and claims that Belinda won by submitting her layouts. A brawl ensues and the event ends dismally. Later that night, Faith receives a phone call from the security company that they picked up a disturbance. Faith tells them to call the police and decides to go to the store to see what is going on, intent on protecting her grandmothers. Luckily, Faith heads two doors down and rouses her neighbor, Steve, the assistant prosecutor and the man her grandmothers want her to have a future with. When they arrive at the store, they find Belinda dead at the back door. Despite her best efforts to stay out of the investigation, much to the chagrin of homicide detective Ted Roget, her efforts to protect her grandmothers leave Faith over her head in danger.

Likable characters who are not perfect make the Scrap This series one that I look forward to visiting over and over. There are red herrings and suspects aplenty, along with assorted motives that fit each one. If you like cozy mysteries, you’ll enjoy Designed to Death.

I received this ARC from Netgalley in exchange for a review.